That's a part of my life!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

khvalovsky's streaming channel - Meet Google

The code at the end of the url is constantly changing - Khvalovsky's Stream - Meet Google. if there is no signal you can go to Yahoo IM or to Tinychat site via FaceBook or Twitter to log in.Tiny chat *** 
The zero thing which you should start with should be the sending to me a message of your streaming request. 5. When I see your request, the last thing for me is to apply your entering to share the stream or add your own to mine.

Monday, June 13, 2011


HeartsYura 07.05.2007Dear Ram! I have accidentally deleted your photo from our group and ask you to restore the order, please! Be so kind by repeating your uploading again. Sasha

IICoRHFaPWWB, a group on Flickr.

Welcome to Informal Intrernational Club of Romance, Health, Friendship and Peace World Without Boundaries!